I finally got back from London yesterday and I have so many things to show and tell! Not sure if most people know but some of my family lives in London so hence the reason for being there over two weeks! I love visiting new places I've never been to before in London and I also love visiting the old places.
Some of the new places was vintage at southbank which I posted about on saturday and I can't wait for next years ones. Fingers crossed I will be going! Another new place I visited was the Tate Modern. I've never been before and was quite excited when my mum mentioned we could go. Even though we got off at the wrong bus stop and it took us an hour to get along the way meeting Jack Sparrow it was really worth it!. I saw some lovely work by people I have heard of like rothko and some work by artists I've never heard of.
Me and my mum did are usual trip to Camden Town were we brought some lovely items again and had our traditional African Curry from one of the food stalls. And for a change we also treated ourselves to a Nitro Ice-Cream! And I have to say it was amazing if you ever visit camden you should go visit it!. We had vanilla ice cream with raspberry sauce and popping candy.
The day before we left we took a trip down Portobello road and it was absolutely packed compared to when I last went last year and I didn't get a chance to take many pictures but here is a few.
Me and my mum couldn't resist getting 2 cupcakes from Hummingbird Bakery either we just had to!. Even thought we both shared them I chose to have the classic Red Velvet and my mum decided on having one of there monthly specials for the week and that day it just happened to be Flying Saucer which tasted very yummy like lemon sherbet.
Just before I go before we left London there was a very pretty rainbow after a much needed down pour of rain. Hope you enjoyed my post! Sorry for it being so wordy.
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