

I have so happy today. I got one of the best projects so far that I've done on my course and I've also managed to sell my work in a shop, and I have started work on my dress for Halloween. Everything going so well so far.
The 1st thing today that made me happy was next module on my photography course. Its p6on Narrative Imaging and we get to do book arts in it and film if we want to chose that way to present are story. I've decided on doing something similar to last year by doing a series of still life images telling a story. I'm torn between doing a fairytale, Alice in Wonderland it would have to be, or doing Nursery Rhymes. I'm tempted to a nursery rhymed themed book as I did already do fairytale. What do you think I should do?

2nd thing: There's a shop called Lovely Annie in Hereford. It's a really cute small shop full of wooden plaques, jewellery and also features some things made by crafters'. I thought I would pop in today with some of my hair accessories I have been making. I took in my flower corsages. She really liked them but was unsure because they looked similar to something else she was selling but they were pins but she is going to ask the creator if she would mind at all. But I have managed to put something in the shop and that's my yoyo and leaf headbands. I have to create 5 of each 2 adults and 3 child sizes. I've never done children so it should be interesting. I will post some pictures up soon of the work I have done for the shop.

Thirdly I have started making my Halloween Costume. I bet you can easily tell who I'm going as from the picture below.

Sally from Nightmare before Christmas. I have decided to do all the pieces of 'rags' separately and make the dress that way rather than doing a base then sewing the patches on. Hopefully my idea works but we will soon see. Can't wait to see what the finished project would look like. Because of finally deciding what to dress up as I have got into a very Nightmare Before Christmas mood. I just love the film and generally all of Tim Burtons work. I'm going to leave you now with a few illustrations done by Tim Burton.

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