So much for my graduation update on the friday oops but anyways my graduation was awesome I loved it! I did keep falling out with hat however but oh well. Here is me in my whole outfit with dress etc.

and here is me with George.

I did have a photo with my mum and dad but I know my mum won't be inpressed if I put that up because she doesn't like having her picture taken. At my uni we have fellows and I got to shake the hand of Nick Sharratt illustrator of the Jacqueline wilson books. I use to love the books growing up especially The Illustrated Mum.

I loved my graduation and am going to miss my friend Luke as he isn't doing the top up degree but hopefully we will meet up again soon and stay in contact.

And because I'm so terrible today and been forgetting to keep updates I'm off to London today to see my nan and my Uncle. I love going down to London especially when its for two weeks. I do have posts planned for the 2 weeks I am away but I will try and update a few things from my day when I can.
Hope everyones going to have a good summer.
Congrats on the graduation!
I had problems with my own hat, know exactly what you mean!
Leanne x x
Congrats on the graduation!
I had problems with my own hat, know exactly what you mean!
Leanne x x
Congratulations on graduating. Something to be very proud of.
Coleen in Ukraine
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