Belt: Primark: £2
Tights: New Look £3
Cardigan: H&M £10
I wish it could be autumn already I'm tired of the heat and the rain plus because my favorite season is autumn. I thought last night at midnight that it would be very cute to add a little fox related brooch to my dress on the collar and overall I think she turned out very very cute even if she did go wrong in a few places!
I forgot to mention yesterday that I will be off the London this weekend doing some photographic work for my Uncle. I feel I should live there as I always seem to be there at the moment but anyways I will be back on monday ready to have a blog post about the weekend.
Hope everyone has a good weekend!
Cute vixen :)
Very cute! The vixen and the dress..I love autumn and autumn clothes too, but I've never managed to make a £6 bargain Primark dress look that good :)
D'aww, that brooch is super sweet!
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