I have also been busy working on my photographic project at the moment. P10-Negotiated Practice. For this module we get to basically do what I want and as seen as I love having child themes within my work I thought about doing something with fairies. I remember when I was little my mums friend use to ring me up and pretend she was a fairy. This one time she said she lost her shadow and asked to see if I find it I need to let her know so she can be reunited back with it. With this in mind my project is going to be taking on location but with fairy shadows scattered all around the image.
I have taken different approaches for example printing on acetate and laying creating my own forest from images of forests with it so far and this is all I got at the moment. I have yet to add the shadows however.
This is my reason for my lack of blogging plus the fact I had to sit in on my exhibition at the Hereford Photography Festival last week and getting home at 5.30 I really wasn't in the mood to do anything. But here is my work being exhibited and some lovely views from the window of the space.
Hope fully I might start blogging more but I need to try and get things back on track and try and divide my time up equally; which I am terrible at. I am off to Birmingham tomorrow with one of my friends to help her pick out clothes for her vintage inspired fashion shoot which should be fun. Just got to hope I don't find anything myself but knowing me I will come back with something.
In the way of my crafting I haven't really had much time to do things. I have made more flowers and apple cosies but I have yet to photograph and upload them to shop which I should really do by next week as it is coming up to christmas very quickly. EEP can't wait for all the snow.
Sorry again for the lack of blogging
PS Just realised I didn't blog anything about my boyfriends birthday a fortnight ago =( I'm a terrible girlfriend. Anyway here is the card and presents I got him.
He loved the brownie camera and really didn't expect it. I hope he had an awesome birthday.
1 comment:
I had an amazing birthday darling I can't thank you enough. I love you so much
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